
This is the last diary before midterm exam😩
As usual Mrs. Rella come in then sit greeting with english which is commonly used that is hallo how are you today with a sweet smile then ask the next group which will show the next group group 3 but group to 3 nothing so Miss Rella discuss the uts grid.
This description of the 4 branches will come out at midtern exam time. Mrs Rella explains how to fill and answer the problem. Then he explained the rules that can be done at the time of uts later that is not allowed to open book and only carry pocket dictionary, pen, and paper pad. After explaining his Mrs Rella give 1 example about uts then he offer to us who successfully fill the problem will get the value of A on result of uts later. 3 consecutive guys forward to fight for that score. They get the value of "A" with the condition must reach an "A" at the time of uts later. Then Mrs Rella talk about less meetings due to delayed introductions at the beginning of the meeting. After a long discussion finally Mrs Rella give the day of the certainty day wednesday. Set it Mrs Rella say thank you and close it class.


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Two at second semester
