conversation about civil engineering jobs

Nindi : hai
Alma : hello
Nindi : what’s your name?
Alma : my name is alma, and you?
Nindi : my name is nindi, by the way what do you do?
Alma : i work as surveyor, and you?
Nindi : i work as drafter. what doe a surveyor do alma?
Alma : Surveyor is working with polygon measurements, tachnometry measurement and measurement of plani metris.
Nindi : it’s good job alma
Alma : thank you nindi, and what about your work
Nindi : i work by creating project drawings, analyzing images, and explaining to field implementers
Alma : so, you should be able to draw nindi!
Nindi : yes sure! if i can not draw it, the picture will not be finished alma.
Alma : ok, good luck nindi! see you, i hope to meet in one project with you.
Nindi : surely alma, also see you in one project later. be careful on your way home alma!
Alma : ok nindi! nice to meet you.

Nindi : nice to meet you too alma.


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Two at second semester
